Developing effective learning programs that enhance engagement, create behavioural change and drive business growth.

Our mission, is your mission.

Marketing and PR communicate directly to your audience, however a key element of the customers’ journey is often overlooked their interaction with your team.

Our learning programs empower your team with knowledge and expertise to create exceptional customer experiences, building brand trust and loyalty.

Our purpose.

Specialising in Skincare and Learning Design, we develop and deliver education solutions with your customers and learners at the core.

We challenge the traditional delivery of information and embrace a proven facilitative style, allowing the group to contribute, discuss and learn together. This enables the immediate application of knowledge to achieve enhanced results sooner.

What we do.

Facilitative Learning and Development has numerous benefits to a business, including but not exclusive to:

How learning impacts your business.

A recent report* prepared by DeakinCo and Deloitte Access Economics, found that every additional $1 invested in Learning and Development per employee will generate $4.70 additional revenue per employee in the same year.

The key to continued growth.

Why work with aha?

  • Industry Expertise

    Over 15 years of extensive industry experience in both clinical and mainstream skincare. Rest assured, we know your market.

  • Global Compliance

    Understands Global regulatory requirements, particularly the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration. This provides peace-of-mind knowing that your obligations are considered.

  • 360° Approach

    Adopts a blended approach to learning; combining digital, face-to-face and tangible resources for maximum long-term results.

  • Proven Success

    Our Learning Design principles have been used to develop many education solutions over the years, achieving impressive results for skincare brands and their customers.

Click below to learn more.

* The Business Return on Learning and Development, DeakinCo with Deloitte Access Economics, March 2022